Motivational quotes
Motivational quotes are nuggets of inspiration from some wise ones who have gone before us with the intentions to inspire, uplift and move you in a very real way towards your goals. Quotes, Born from Different Places but Capable of Applying Everywhere across the Globe. Their words function as a trigger that forces us out of the zone and inspire our spirit to activate its quest engines. Their words provide a breath of fresh air in trying times, showing us all about hope and courage. Motivational quotes are shared and widespread on social media in today’s digital age, thus we need to take a little more consideration of which ones might standout for us. So, as seasoned professionals we know how great these quotes are and yes they can certainly be the ignition to inspire you into action but lets face it, for high performance in a change making project plenty of hard sustained work is further required. At the end of day, these motivational quotes act as a lighthouse for us that helps in tackling life with all brave heart and soul.
جب آپ اپنے خیالات کو تبدیل کرتے ہیں تو ، اپنی دنیا کو بھی تبدیل کرنا یاد رکھیں۔
آپ کامیابی سے زیادہ ناکامی سے مزید جانتے ہیں آپ کو روکنے نہ دیں ناکامی کردار کی تشکیل کرتی ہے
کامیابی حتمی نہیں ہے۔ ناکامی مہلک نہیں ہے: اس قدر کو آگے بڑھانا ہمت ہے